There is no doubting that every blogger who has committed time and energy to their craft has a set of blogs posts like those I am going to share with you today. These are the posts I produced with the belief they would be much better received than they were. They are the posts I thought offered relevant insights, had timely application and/or were profound is some regard. Yet’ they fell flat when shared with the world.

The reasons for their misses could be many. Perhaps the headline was poorly crafted. Maybe the image I used (or failed to include) was not attractive. It could be a matter of poorly chosen keywords or the fact that I wrote them at a time when I had few blog followers.

, I am giving them a second chance. Here are seven of my favorite blog posts that you probably HAVE NOT read. I’d love it if you would change that.

I am giving them a second chance. Here are seven of my favorite blog posts that you probably HAVE NOT read. I’d love it if you would change that.

Giving Blog Posts a Second Chance

I have been posting here at 1Glories fairly regularly since 2011 and there have been many twists and turns along the way. Swarm subscribers has grown tremendously during that time and some of the blogs posts have had tremendous readership and social media sharing. But today we’re are talking about the less successful posts. For all practical purposes, they can be considered failures.

So, I am giving them a second chance. Here are seven of my favorite blog posts you probably HAVE NOT read. I’d love it if you would change that. Feel free to comment and/or share them. Blessings and Thanks.

Conqueror: Overcoming this World

Drawing inspiration from John 16:23 and the strategic games my friends and I used to play when we were kids, I share thoughts on world domination and the messed up ways of the world

Unleavened: Uncorrupted, But Not Carb Free

Drawing on Romans 12:2, I relate it to the sacrament of Holy Communion and explain why I always mash the bread element.

Affirmation: Building Upon the Past

A look at personal growth and the use or need for personal affirmations to guide our walks.

What a Runaway Dog Teaches About Sin Nature

Why does a dog behave like a dog? Simple: because it’s a dog. An early morning chase of my four-legged family member taught me about sin nature with an application of Romans 8:28-29.

Triumph – Defeating the Evils in Our Condition

Romans 8:37. Taking a look at energy drinks, addition, collecting things and ultimately, the “stuff” that may be depriving us from living abundantly in Christ?

The Curse of the To-Do Checklist

A look at checklists and how they enslave us, deceive us and ultimately create blind spots spiritually, professionally and relationally.

Who Else Feels like a Barren Olive Tree?

So often, we become immersed in mundane things, whether in business, pleasure, social affairs, or in much “coming and going” (Mark 6:31) that we forget to offer our thanks to God in good times and in bad (yes, we are to be thankful even for adversity since it allows the refining work of our Lord to shape us).