Let’s call it for what it is. A “Top 10 Post” is reignites interest in popular posts and provides end of year filler for a blog since it’s less likely that people are looking for new content right now. Although, wise bloggers will also look at those top posts and ask why or how they got to be popular.

For 1Glories, it’s about taking a look at the posts that are the most read and shared and considering what readers like to consume from the content. In the 2016 list, there’s some interesting observations that will help form the content strategy of 2017.

Observations About the Top Posts

First of all, you’ll notice that there are no pages or posts that were part of contests or other promotional efforts for the blog. It did, however, include book reviews. I also did not include any posts that were not written in 2016.

Admittedly, there is a little personal gratification in the fact that seven of the ten posts are from the Year of Listening Up series. When I chose to embark on that adventure, I had no idea if it would work or if I would even be able to keep it up for a full year. The answer, in both cases, was yes.

Of those seven, there were five different topics represented, and two of them (You Belong on the Field and Align Your Life With God’s Will) were represented twice. In addition to the YLU posts, a book review (Honestly by Daniel Fusco) came in at number two while two other posts not connected to any series or topic rounded out the list.

Wise bloggers will consider their top posts and ask why or how they got to be top posts. The 2016 top posts at 1Glories shows that the Year of Listening Up was a successful endeavor and more.

Wise bloggers will consider their top posts and ask why or how they got to be top posts. The 2016 top posts at 1Glories shows that the Year of Listening Up was a successful endeavor and more.

Top Ten Posts of 2016

Why A Constant Preparation Mode Is So Important (YLU – Be in Constant Preparation Mode)
In this post, I share my childhood love of writing and baseball along with memories of wisdom my dad shared when I told him I was going to quit playing baseball. It goes on the present the ways that God would shape me for the next 30-ish years in route to things coming full circle.

Honestly by Daniel Fusco – Hearing the Maker’s Music In Life’s Messiness (Book Review)
Honestly, Honestly might have been the most enjoyable read of 2016 for me. It is so genuine and smooth. Fusco does a wonderful job of bringing together both the music and lyrics of the maker into perspective.

How the Girl Next Door Became the Wife of My Dreams (YLU – Dream Boldly and Foolishly)
I love to write about the blessing my wife has been in my life. She represents the gift from God that made one of my most foolish dreams come true. This is our story.

Seeking God’s Will For Our Lives – 7 Posts (YLU – Align Your Life with God’s Will)
Because the Year of Listening Up is partly about personal growth from various inputs (in addition to listening to God’s working in your life), I started doing a 7 Posts for each topic. In this one, I share some great wisdom from some awesome blog posts and bloggers.

No More Self-Defeat – You Belong on the Field (YLU – You Belong on the Field)
One of the best lessons of my life came after one of the most crushing defeats of my life. One sentence. An observation from an assistant baseball coach has followed me all these years. It’s one I try to never forget.

The Freedom Gained Through Forgiveness
Forgiveness has a lot of deep-rooted emotion connected to it. It considers the fact that forgiveness is commanded by God and shares several theological perspectives. It points to the slavery that comes from our withholding of forgiveness and concludes with a wonderful passage of scripture reminding us that we should:

Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you. –Ephesians 4:32 (MSG)

It’s My Wife’s Fifteenth Wedding Anniversary
Like I said, I like to tell the world about my wife. She’s pretty awesome. This posts reflects on the craziness of our wedding day. Also, it teaches that, no matter where you are in life, remember the important stuff, but don’t let the little things steal your joy.

When You Have No Choice, You May Surprise Yourself (YLU – You Belong on the Field)
Helping someone during their time of need taught me one of the best, most empowering life lessons of recent memory. As a result, it helped me learn to cast fear aside and approach more aspects of life with confidence and a proper perspective.

How Do We Align Our Lives With God’s Will? (YLU – Align Your Life with God’s Will)
This is a difficult question to answer. And I doubt I am providing you with anywhere close to a full answer. However, what I do attempt to do, is show you how I found it in my own life. I also aim to share how I am intentionally seeking to align with the maker’s will for my life. That’s called finding our purpose. 🙂

7 Posts for Personal Growth from Planting Small Seeds (YLU – Sow Seeds Big and Small)
Another of the “7 Posts” type that looks to various blogs, posts and bloggers to find varying perspectives and insight. These seven were curated to help us gain perspective of why personal, spiritual growth is necessary, how you can take small steps to apply that wisdom and what it means.