The Bible specifically tells us to not be anxious (Philippians 4:6), though there is a big difference between knowing and applying that directive. That’s why it is sometimes nice to get an affirmation (fist-bump) from God when it’s most needed. I was blessed by such an act yesterday morning.

Yesterday, as most dads are waking up and responding to a lot of socially prescribed hoopla associated with Father’s Day, I was a bundle of wild energy and shaky nerves. I was about an hour or two away from offering a message at my church, where I have attended and grown up in since right after graduating high school in 1995. I’d spoken to the congregation and to audiences many times before, but never to deliver a message (I still can’t even bring myself to call it preaching).

When the Holy Spirit Nudges

When God speaks to you, you listen. More than that, you respond. That’s what I did when presented with the opportunity to give the message that I had prepared. If I am being honest, I’ve long had at least a little desire (maybe a calling) to someday deliver a message to a congregation. I’ve had opportunities before, but somehow found ways out or around doing so.

The Holy Spirit Speaks... from nudges to fist bumps

Sometimes, the Holy Spirit nudges. Sometimes, when you’re responding to those nudges, the Holy Spirit drops a fist bump to affirm you. Photo Credit: `James Wheeler via Compfight cc

This time, the nudge from the Holy Spirit felt right.

Even so, I was still anxious. I had studied the scripture and consulted with others over the weeks leading to it and I read through it many times, including three times to an empty sanctuary from the pulpit the day before. Still, I was unsure. I did everything I could to remain calm, collected and organized in my thoughts. I awoke, made breakfast and enjoyed a cup of coffee before taking my script outdoors for one last read through.

When the Holy Spirit Fist Bumps

Seated in a bag chair under a mighty oak tree that overlooked a residential pond on a sunny yet mild morning to benchmark the first day of summer 2015, I read the first two paragraphs. Then I was interrupted by a sound from above. “Tap-tap-tap. Coooo.” I looked up, and saw a magnificently colored woodpecker. I believe it was either a northern flicker or a downy, but I’m not sure.

Regardless, I watched it with interest a short while longer before witnessing another one fly in to join. They then flew off together. It was fully appropriate since one of the themes I would be sharing in the day’s message was unity with God and each other. It might sound a bit silly, but I thanked the birds and God for sending them.

It was another joy to add to the morning.

I finished the final read-through, took a deep breath and looked over the pond as I downed the last few sips of my coffee. I was at genuine peace and contentment. The wind picked up and rippled through the leaves of the oak above me and the smaller trees around the area.

I said a prayer to thank God for the opportunity to do his work, ask for wisdom and favor and to work in the hearts of those who would hear the message He’d given me. I also petitioned God to grant me enough strength, poise and command so it would be appropriately received…

And, of course, to not make an absolute fool of myself.