It was the culmination of a life-long dream and a promise I had made myself a dozen years before. The moment had finally arrived and I didn’t know how to feel. I was nervous yet excited. Anxious yet proud. Oddly, a bit afraid but at the same time ready to take the final step toward realizing that dream.

I pulled the tab on the FedEx package that had arrived at my home a few minutes earlier as my wife Jenny stood nearby. I had opened a package just like this many times before, but this one was different. Usually, I open packages like this with the expectation of spending the next several days reading the book that was inside, but I had done more than read the book in this package. I had written it.

I retrieved the book from inside the package and looked at the cover. “There it is.” I said. There was my name on the cover of Baseball in Fort Wayne. I double-checked and made sure my name was spelled correctly (a lot of people seem to think there is a “b” in Gramling). It was. I breathed a sigh of relief as my wife said “Good job honey.”

That was my dream.

Three of them to be exact. A college education, a strong family and my name of the cover of a book soon to be stocked on many bookstore shelves and online. I was now in the Library of Congress and I could forever be called an “author,” “writer,” “historian” and more.

That, in a nutshell, is the first half of my story. The rest remains a work in progress and much of it will play out here at 1Glories. To celebrate the achievement of this dream and the 144th birthday of professional baseball, I am hosting a contest this week. And I’m giving away my dream. Three times to be exact.

How you can win one of 3 copies of Baseball in Fort Wayne

Baseball in Fort Wayne Book Cover

Take advantage of this opportunity. Enter in any of the ways below and – if you are selected as one of the three winners – I will sign, seal and deliver a copy of my book (I will even pay the shipping charges). There’s nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

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