There are a lot of clichés about celebrating small victories. We have “one step at a time,” “one day at a time,” “day by day,” and a host of others. You may well know, I am no fan of clichés. However, we must realize that clichés become so because there is a ring of familiar truth to them.

The fact that small victories can lead to bigger wins is without a doubt true. And that’s why it’s one of the topics in our Year of Listening Up. I’ve curated 7 posts from other blogs and media outlets to help round out our learning.


Seven Bloggers Tackle the Concept of Small Victories

The Power of Incremental Change Over Time (Michael Hyatt): Hyatt uses this blog to show that you can do many things if you take the opportunity to clarify goals and make Then he offers seven examples of small steps people can take that would soon lead to big results.

5 Ways to Recognize Small Victories in Your Faith Journey (Whitney Hopler at Hopler celebrates a small victory she observed while helping her daughter learn to drive. She shows that every small victory in your journey of faith is significant to God. It helps you become the person God intends you to become and grows you closer to God. Then, she shares five ways to recognize small victories in your own faith journey.

Motivation To Push Through To The Finish Line! + Quarter 3 Review (Erin at Stay At Home Yogi): Many folks make goals at the beginning of the year. Many (perhaps most) get to the third quarter of a year and find they’re out of steam or ready to quit. No matter where you are in that process (I hope you’re crushing it!), there are small steps that can motivate you. Erin shares several you might want to consider.

Celebrate Small Wins (Josh Reich): In this post, Reich shares several practical steps from transitioning from a church of small groups to missional communities. That’s a group of about the size of an extended family that is united around a common service to witness to a neighborhood or other set of common-bond group.

3 Reasons to Celebrate the Little Victories – While on the Way to the Big Ones (Shawn Ellis): Ellis reminds us that our “grand plans” rarely go the way we map them Yet, we delay celebration. Knowing we’ll encounter our share of obstacles between here and the goal, he offers three reasons to notice and celebrate the little victories along the way.

7 Reasons it Always Pays to Celebrate Small Victories (Ilan Mochari for Inc Magazine): It might seem a little overboard to celebrate a trade show when you miss your goals. However, whether it is progress in performance or having a better presence than other exhibitors, it’s reason to celebrate. Mochari shares seven benefits to doing so. Among them are an emphasis on work-life balance, easing the journey of entrepreneurism, and connecting your story outside yourself. This can be just as beneficial to a personal brand as it is to a corporate one.  

Why It Is a Big Thing To Take Action On Small Things (Bruce Rhoades at SkipPrichard): Action on small initiatives as your larger ambitions are in progress can be effective. In addition to cultivating an empowering workplace, he shares nine other benefits that comes from it.