Life has many prosperous seasons. And there are down seasons – no harvest – as my buddy, Scott Sprunger might say. In such times, people might cling to a desperate hope and remembrances of those more abundant times.

They might be marked with regret as they spy upon the very top of a tree – where the remnant of the tree’s fruit is unreachable. The spot where even the sticks cannot reach the few remaining berries.

Is the barren tree symbolic of our own spiritual lives?

I’ll admit it. I go through funks where I feel like God and I have never been further apart. I know he’s here with me, but boy oh boy, it sure seems like he’s shifted attention to someone else. Ever feel that way?

Let’s look to the book of Isaiah and consider this question. Then, let’s learn what can be done about it?

Gleanings will be left in it, as when an olive tree is beaten— two or three berries in the top of the highest bough, four or five on the branches of a fruit tree, declares the LORD God of Israel… For you have forgotten the God of your salvation and have not remembered the Rock of your refuge; ~ Isaiah 17:6, 10 (ESV)

The Olive Tree and our Spiritual Lives

So often, we become immersed in mundane things, whether in business, pleasure, social affairs, or in much “coming and going” (Mark 6:31) Photo Credit: aiguaclara via Compfight cc

See verse 10. It says “For you have forgotten the God of your salvation…”

So often, we become immersed in mundane things, whether in business, pleasure, social affairs, or in much “coming and going” (Mark 6:31) that we forget to offer our thanks to God in good times and in bad (yes, we are to be thankful even for adversity since it allows the refining work of our Lord to shape us).

“…and have not remembered the Rock of your refuge.” How often we been “spiritually self-sufficient” and forgotten that God is the one true rock to which we may cling!

If you’re in a spiritual rut where life has become barren as the lean olive tree – if you’ve left God out on the joys of your successes or have owned your sorrow instead of taking it to the cross – today is the day to remember.

Cling to God.

Give thanks.

Be intentional and steadfast for refining life on purpose.

Are you feeling like a barren olive tree?

What do you do to overcome the doubts and downs of your season? Shoot me a message or comment on this post.