When Being Teachable Takes More Humility than Smarts

When Being Teachable Takes More Humility than Smarts

Realizing you are not teachable is humbling. But literally changes both your career and your life. I know that was the case for me, at least. Having graduated high school, gone through college, and launched into an awesome rising career, I was excited to prove myself...
What the Bible Says About Making Comebacks

What the Bible Says About Making Comebacks

God is a God of Comebacks. I know this to be true. You see, when I first wrote this post back in 2016, I really wondered if I could stage a comeback, or if I was done for. I was down and out, feeling very much a failure. Emotionally spent and clinging to hope, I asked...
Not Giving Up… Even When the Universe Hates You

Not Giving Up… Even When the Universe Hates You

My unofficial hiatus might be construed as me giving up. And truth be told, I considered it. Not so much as “giving up” but more like “moving on” to a new season. Back in 2019, as I was finishing my study of Edward’s resolutions, I was...
Improve Yourself by Stealing Like an Artist

Improve Yourself by Stealing Like an Artist

Improve yourself. That mandate was calling me out sometime after registering 1Glories.com on a divinely inspired whim. I realized with remorse that I had allowed myself to indulge and delight in the pursuit of temporal pleasures of the world. Those things that I came...
How Fooling Yourself is Hurting you Now and Eternally

How Fooling Yourself is Hurting you Now and Eternally

You’re fooling yourself again… when you think just one cookie won’t break your diet. Or that you must purchase batteries and Chapstick simply because they’re in the checkout line. It’s so convenient. While you’re at it, go ahead and buy a little bottle of soda for a...
A Review of Decisions by Robert L. Dilenschneider

A Review of Decisions by Robert L. Dilenschneider

When it comes to making decisions, I am pretty terrible. It’s a discipline I just never quite developed well. Some might say it’s “being the Libra that I am”. You see, I too easily sway sides at the slightest hint of credible support. Not that I am a believer in...