Building Christian Character on Faith and Discipline

Building Christian Character on Faith and Discipline

With a mindset of building Christian character, I sought to deeply study Jonathan Edwards’ 70 resolutions in 2017. When I set that course, I categorized them according to the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). I admittedly did that before truly grasping...
Improve Yourself by Stealing Like an Artist

Improve Yourself by Stealing Like an Artist

Improve yourself. That mandate was calling me out sometime after registering on a divinely inspired whim. I realized with remorse that I had allowed myself to indulge and delight in the pursuit of temporal pleasures of the world. Those things that I came...
How Fooling Yourself is Hurting you Now and Eternally

How Fooling Yourself is Hurting you Now and Eternally

You’re fooling yourself again… when you think just one cookie won’t break your diet. Or that you must purchase batteries and Chapstick simply because they’re in the checkout line. It’s so convenient. While you’re at it, go ahead and buy a little bottle of soda for a...
The Secret to Building Character Traits on Purpose

The Secret to Building Character Traits on Purpose

Purposefully building character traits may be one of the underlying reasons for embarking on this grueling study of Jonathan Edwards’ resolutions two years ago. As I enter into the home stretch of it, this may be the only time I have directly acknowledged that fact....
Something Needs to Change by David Platt, a Review

Something Needs to Change by David Platt, a Review

In David Platt’s book, Something Needs to Change: A Call to Make Your Life Count in a World of Urgent Need, readers experience an 8-day trek through Himalayan trails. In those trails, the Gospel is not always welcomed. Platt’s first-hand account details...
What is Gospel Living and are we Really Living it?

What is Gospel Living and are we Really Living it?

When it comes to Gospel living, I’m realizing there are some Gospel problems. It’s not problems with the Gospel, but problems with how we understand, teach and live it. I’ll explain that in more detail soon. First, let me share that 1Glories is a platform where I...
How Second Acts Honor God and Cling Not to Our Pasts

How Second Acts Honor God and Cling Not to Our Pasts

Restoration – or second acts – is something my community really identifies with. In fact, our history is a source of pride, civic unity and – to be totally honest – we owe a significant portion of our tourism lift to that history. I’ve written,...
Our Present Suffering and Eventual Future Glory

Our Present Suffering and Eventual Future Glory

As I write this, I am suffering. I have had a cold for a good week. It has left me tired and unmotivated. Also, it has me much less productive than I would like to be. Though my suffering is relatively minor, it has me eager to experience a time when I am again...
Why Brackets (and Fantasy Sports) Are Life Busters

Why Brackets (and Fantasy Sports) Are Life Busters

I have not filled out an NCAA March Madness bracket since 2016. And I don’t miss it one bit. I was once a regular fantasy sports participant, so it is natural for me to hop onto Yahoo or some other platform to make my bracket picks every March. It’s a...