What it Means to Take the Fork in the Road

What it Means to Take the Fork in the Road

Baseball had just lost one of its greatest personalities with the passing of Yogi Berra when I originally wrote this post in 2015. In addition to being a great player, manager, and war veteran, Berra was well-known for his Yogi-isms. Upon first hearing many, they...
The Freedom Gained Through Forgiveness

The Freedom Gained Through Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a tricky word. That’s partly because most of us are always tempted to spell it with an unnecessary “e” between “for” and “giveness.” But it’s mostly because of the deep-rooted emotion attached to the concept of forgiveness. In fact, I suspect the...
God the Maker and Craftsman, Promises More than Cheap Crap

God the Maker and Craftsman, Promises More than Cheap Crap

“Step right up and win some cheap crap,” so says a paraphrase from the Steve Martin played Navin Johnson in one of my favorite movies, The Jerk. I’ll circle back to this magnificent scene before the end of this post, I promise. For now, as we consider God the maker,...
Not Giving Up… Even When the Universe Hates You

Not Giving Up… Even When the Universe Hates You

My unofficial hiatus might be construed as me giving up. And truth be told, I considered it. Not so much as “giving up” but more like “moving on” to a new season. Back in 2019, as I was finishing my study of Edward’s resolutions, I was...
With a Rebel Yell… She Cried

With a Rebel Yell… She Cried

In 2017, shortly after the inauguration of President Donald Trump, I wrote a post called “The Great American Stalemate will Show Who we Really Are.” Parts of it were sort of “off” but much of it turned out to be (sadly) prophetic. Most notably,...
Lessons from 2020 and Why it was a Good Year

Lessons from 2020 and Why it was a Good Year

The year 2020 has more haters than Nickelback. That’s no easy feat. Yes, it has been a rough year, and this “year” has gotten blamed for much. However, without a reset in our personal mindsets, 2021 will be no better… and the truth is; 2020 is not a total loss.  Now,...
Your Divine Calling and Getting Out of God’s Way

Your Divine Calling and Getting Out of God’s Way

A divine calling is not just a purpose or call. A lot of folks exhaust a lot of time searching for what it is God “wants them to do with their life”. And many writers distill the path to that down to a few “easy steps”. Presumably, getting to...
Why Treating God’s Living Word as a Textbook is Foolish

Why Treating God’s Living Word as a Textbook is Foolish

Referring to Scripture merely as God’s word falls short (stay with me before deciding I am a heretic). I’m asserting this according to our cultural mode of thinking. You see, we have become a culture that’s addicted to experiences over knowledge. It’s hard to...
Improve Yourself by Stealing Like an Artist

Improve Yourself by Stealing Like an Artist

Improve yourself. That mandate was calling me out sometime after registering 1Glories.com on a divinely inspired whim. I realized with remorse that I had allowed myself to indulge and delight in the pursuit of temporal pleasures of the world. Those things that I came...