Not Giving Up… Even When the Universe Hates You

Not Giving Up… Even When the Universe Hates You

My unofficial hiatus might be construed as me giving up. And truth be told, I considered it. Not so much as “giving up” but more like “moving on” to a new season. Back in 2019, as I was finishing my study of Edward’s resolutions, I was...
Building Christian Character on Faith and Discipline

Building Christian Character on Faith and Discipline

With a mindset of building Christian character, I sought to deeply study Jonathan Edwards’ 70 resolutions in 2017. When I set that course, I categorized them according to the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). I admittedly did that before truly grasping...
Moodiness and Bad Moods… and Why They’re Stupid!

Moodiness and Bad Moods… and Why They’re Stupid!

Bad moods are inevitable. Some of us find our way into them more often than others, but it happens to us all. It may be caused by how we are feeling, events that happen, as a response to stress, or just because. Heck, I have been so moody, it seems like I am sometimes...
God Salvages a Silver Lining from All Your Adversities

God Salvages a Silver Lining from All Your Adversities

Let’s face it: some things happen where there is no obvious silver lining. Sometimes, things just plain suck. Whether it is a one time event or a series of decisions or events that lead to it, life will have trials. We do and will continue to face adversity. And, in...
Successful Businesses with Gospel Focused Values

Successful Businesses with Gospel Focused Values

I started this blog intent on seeing 1Glories grow into a successful business with a Gospel focused mission. That specific mission has evolved from being simple inspiration to that of help others are refining life. I fully expect it to continue evolving as God so...

Overcoming Failure – Seven Posts for Rising Above

It’s human nature to struggle with the prospect of overcoming failure. That’s because, nobody likes to fail, the scars of which can last a long time. In fact, those scars often remain for the duration of one’s life. However, the actual failure itself...
How Survival Instinct & Comfort Zones Screwed Us Up

How Survival Instinct & Comfort Zones Screwed Us Up

Human beings are wired with a survival instinct.  Some call it our reptilian brains and many are quick to reference Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as evidence. There has been a lot of more recent neuroscience to further affirm this human need for survival at all costs....
How to Know if You’re Pleasing God Through Your Actions

How to Know if You’re Pleasing God Through Your Actions

While spending this month considering God’s favor and wisdom, I’ve been continually reminded of a question I ponder often: how do we know if we are pleasing God? Specifically, what is pleasing to God and how do we go about pleasing God? This is the subject of a post I...
Grow Up. And Then, Grow Up Some More.

Grow Up. And Then, Grow Up Some More.

It took a long while to find myself. To understand my God-given gifts and to understand how to use them. Along the way, I doubted myself, believed myself unworthy and generally felt like the deck of life was stacked against me. Why that is the case, I may never truly...