The Emerald Ash Borer

The Emerald Ash Borer destroys Ash Trees in much the same way sin destroys our lives.

Throughout the Midwest , we are slowly losing our trees because of a bug.  Emerald ash borers have infested and plagued several states for many years as they methodically annihilate ash trees, leading to the depletion of forests, the removal of perfectly healthy trees from landscapes and statewide bans on the transport of firewood from unsanctioned sources.

These bugs seem perfectly harmless, but their destruction is massive and silent. Planting new ash trees after the old have been removed really is no option either. Just as the seedlings begin to mature, the bugs return and feast again.

Kind of reminds me of sin.

Some sins are rampant and silent just like the borer. Sometimes it isn’t portraying an obvious presence as it slowly eats the life away from the inside until there is the resemblance to what God created. Sometimes the destruction gets so painfully obvious that laws are established. But ultimately, laws fall by the wayside and sin continues to creep its way into even the smallest of entryways, set course for a new path of destruction.

And the devil delights with each entry we allow. He grins at our imperfections and takes even greater joy when the size of his own victories are gigantic in scale..

Unlike the trees, though, we have a savior from our sins. The ash trees, once depleted of life, are destined to dissolve into the ground, thus ending their usefulness and capping their existence. We, on the other hand, have a Savior in the life and name of Jesus Christ. The man who came to save the lost and rescue us.

Therefore, while our bodies are sentenced to decay, just as are the trees, we are redeemed and will live out eternity in Heaven.

That’ s why we celebrate Christmas. That’ s our destined path.

The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. —1 John 3:8