What is Love in Action? It’s a great question. One that seems like it’s an easy answer. It’s hugs, kisses and saying “I love you,” right? Sending cards or emails from a distance. Ordering flowers or gifts. Those are loving gestures, right?

Sure, they are great ways of expressing love. We need to keep doing those things and we need to do and see more of them. Although, as we further unpack the lesson – Show Up – in our Year of Listening Up series, consider 1 John 3:18:

Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. (NLT)

Love in Action According to Bob Goff

I’ve long admired Bob Goff, mostly through articles and interviews appearing in Relevant Magazine. However, it wasn’t until it was assigned to me when I participated in Fight Club that I actually took the time to read his book, Love Does.

In the book, he shares so many examples of love in action. Whether those actions are his or those he has observed, there is no doubting that love is a verb. Goff shares that life and loving others requires that we do our part. “All you have to do,” he says, “is show up. You don’t need a plan; you just need to be present.”

He also helps us see what is meant in relation to the passage I shared above:

“Accepting the invitation to show up in life is about moving from the bleachers to the field. It’s moving from developing opinions to developing options. It’s about having things that matter to us enough that we stoop just thinking about those things and actually do something about them. Simply put, Jesus is looking for us to accept the invitation to participate.”

I recently met Bob when he appeared at a local Youth For Christ event. I showed up for lot of reasons. Some of that reasoning was – admittedly – self-serving. A small part of it might have been to learn more about YFC. I big part of it, though, was simply to shake Bob’s hand and thank him for his inspiring words.

Love in action is more than empty words. Drawing on real-life examples, we gain tangible perspective of 1 John 3:18… Let us show the truth by our actions.

Love in action is more than empty words. Drawing on real-life examples, we gain tangible perspective of 1 John 3:18… Let us show the truth by our actions.

Though he certainly doesn’t require my vote of support, I like to think that is love in action. Going out of your way to let someone know they matter.

Love in Action is Not Empty Words

Goff has a lot of examples that he shares in Love Does. I really encourage you to give a read. It will expand your mind and understanding. It will provoke you to seek relationships and make a valuable impact in the lives of others.

Likewise, I’ve had countless examples of others being love in my life. One such example stems from one of my early class reunions. When I was still chasing my dream of being a published author, an old friend, one I had known but never would have referred to as a close friend, sought me out. It wasn’t a chance encounter or bumping into one another. He sought me. And he encouraged me. He shared that he wanted me to not give up… to keep pursuing the dream.

I was taken by surprise. I had not even had the slightest idea that he knew I was seeking to publish a book. This was well before Facebook and the age of social media had caught on. It certainly was not as prevalent as it is today. So the fact that he know was surprising. The fact that he went out of his way to encourage me – for not gain of his own even – was even more surprising.

That’s love in action.

Another example comes from a friend of mine. Aaron Brown was compelled to spend two bucks on coffee for complete strangers. A few months later, he learned how it had literally and figuratively warmed the hearts of a dying woman and her would-be surviving spouse. It meant the world to them and was a beacon of light in the darkest hour of this couple’s life together. Read more about Aaron’s experience here.

That’s love. And love does.

Show up.

Because showing up is love in action.