1Glories Manifesto – Living a Refining Life, On Purpose

God doesn’t want you to be mediocre, sub-par or wishy-washy. God the Maker has created you with specific intentionality and is constantly at work transforming you into the masterpiece he envisioned for carrying out that purpose.

And he’s actively preparing you day-in and day-out.

We’re blessed to experience that process and journey, so long as we realize it’s a partnership. Sometimes that journey includes smooth sailing and sometimes it requires us to roll up our sleeves and get our hands directly into the messy muck of life. Regardless of the nature, we gain through personal experience and it’s ultimately all for the benefit of God’s glory.

1Glories is about the both/and. It’s about both recognizing we are on a divinely guided journey and it’s about encouraging each other in our individual quests to build our characters and be who we were destined to become.

1Glories is about refining life, on purpose.

Living Confidently: Too many of us give in to self-defeat

  • We get comfortable sitting on the bench and not running out onto the centerfields of where we belong.
  • We make excuses to cover our self-doubts instead of being confident in our God-given abilities.
  • We get brainwashed by a society filled with clever clichés like “just hang in there” or “you’re in over your head” instead of daring to stand out from the nay-sayers.
  • We give up on dreams yet continually suggest “maybe someday” instead of getting intentional about making things happen.

In short, we spend lifetimes attempting to be secure and comfortable as we pursue the building of our resumes when we should be aspiring to live the life’s that we want presented in our eulogies. Our legacy gets diluted when we don’t dare to aspire to the greater desires of God. Ooohhh!!! You Should Tweet That ==>

Our legacy gets diluted when we don't dare to aspire to the greater desires of God. Share on X

Living Proactively: Get intentional about pursuing a refining life, on purpose.

Great men and women didn’t just end up where they arrived. They spent their whole lives on their journeys, riding waves of ups, downs, zigs and zags, while getting there.

They never stopped building their skills, proficiencies, habits, understanding, and potential. They sought role models. They obtained mentors and coaches. They leaned into their strengths and dealt with their weaknesses. They fought, they clawed, they developed grit and most of all, they embraced the grind.

Are you ready to embrace the grind?

These great men and great women found community by building their personal networks. They sought the wisdom of those who were better equipped at a certain point in time. They lent their resources to others. They loved and they were loved. They prioritized. They said “yes” to the right things… and more importantly, they also said “no” to the right things!

Great men and women build their eulogies instead of focusing on their resumes. You can tweet that one too ==>

Great men and women build their eulogies instead of focusing on their resumes. Share on X

Some of these men and women rode their work to fame and fortune. Some were instrumental background players. Some have been innovators and some have been maintainers. They have come from all races, backgrounds, cultures, and genders to explore, embrace and pursue their God-given roles.

They were all created in the image of God and they’ve all continued growing in their disciplines throughout life. They never stopped working on themselves.

They actively and intentionally pursued a refining life, on purpose.

Living NOW – Grow Where You’re Planted

The largest oak in the forest was nothing more than a nut that grew where it was planted.

Where are you planted today? Is it where you aspire for your eulogy to report? Maybe so. That’s great. But ask yourself, “Does God want more of me? Does he have greater desires for my life? Where does HE want me to be?”

God has great expectations of you and me.

We’re merely positioned where we are today and not and the end of the journeys for which he created us. We’re not living the lives that Jesus envisioned when he gave his own life for us. We may even be fighting with the Holy Spirit who never stops lovingly guiding us.

It’s time to pause, think about it and run the race to win. Yes, there’s no more time for running in place – it’s now time to move forward. No more keeping God at an arm’s distance. It’s time to embrace who we are, who we were created to be and relentlessly pursue a refining life, on purpose. Only then shall we grow into the beings that God created us to be.

For his glory.

Join me in this quest of refining life, on purpose. Join the community here at 1Glories. A great first step is getting in the 1Glories Swarm where you’ll get occasional messages containing tips, hacks, wisdom and information about how I and others are pursuing a refining life, on purpose.

Blessings and Thanks!

– Chad