Stop Making Excuses So You Can Wake Up and Finally Say Yes

Stop Making Excuses So You Can Wake Up and Finally Say Yes

What if you were to quit making excuses and said yes to God?  It’s a simple question. And, it’s a question you might think doesn’t apply to you. But let’s ask another question… how often has your desire for what could be been held in check because you won’t give...
What If I Say No to God by Ignoring My Call?

What If I Say No to God by Ignoring My Call?

It seems silly to suggest we might say no to God if we really are accepting of his all-encompassing power. Yet, we say no to God all the time. We say no to him when we fall short in obeying all his commands. We say no when we make choices that are – without...
Why We Should (and How We Can) Be More Like Inigo Montoya

Why We Should (and How We Can) Be More Like Inigo Montoya

Your life has meaning. It’s purposeful and you were created for a reason. But discovering that reason is only part of what it means to pursue a refining life, on purpose. Today, I want to share a little bit from one of my all-time favorite movies, the Princess Bride....
God’s Ordering of Our Lives to Prepare Us – 7 Posts

God’s Ordering of Our Lives to Prepare Us – 7 Posts

Wow. God’s ordering of our lives can be many things. Frightening, exciting, eventful, dull, bland, fun, and a host of other descriptors – but one stands out: everlasting. You see, this month’s topic in the A Year of Listening Up series at 1Glories...
When God’s Plans Are Not The Same As Your Plans

When God’s Plans Are Not The Same As Your Plans

Today, we are rounding out our discussion of Aligning With God’s Will in our Year of Listening Up by pondering God’s plans. Yesterday, I introduced you to Daniel Fusco’s book, “Honestly” which releases April 1 (go order it now, seriously,...
Seeking God’s Will For Our Lives – 7 Posts

Seeking God’s Will For Our Lives – 7 Posts

We all should be seeking God’s will. It is, of course, impossible to know God’s full will, but it is indeed possible for us to pursue the lives in which he has designed and guided us to live. That has been the driving force in this months’s topic during our Year of...
How Do I Live a Refining Life, On Purpose?

How Do I Live a Refining Life, On Purpose?

What do you mean by “refining life, on purpose” – I get that question from time to time. And I understand why. It’s a bit ambiguous. At core level, it’s about personal development. In a deeper sense, it’s about the personal development of character and the...
What if I Don’t Know My Calling or Purpose?

What if I Don’t Know My Calling or Purpose?

Finding your calling is one of the most common themes, memes and topics du jour on the blog sphere. I suspect it’s because everyone wants to feel like they’re valued and to have a purpose means you are valuable. I have personally struggled with the prospect of...
Why a Ton of Excuses is No Excuse at All

Why a Ton of Excuses is No Excuse at All

As my wife will readily attest, I am a man of many interests, leading to the start of many projects and endeavors. Often, though, those projects and endeavors are abandoned in an incomplete state. Don’t worry though, I have an excuse. Actually, I have a ton of...