When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. —Matthew 2:3

Today’s devotion suggests there are two types of people who do not worship Christ. Those who don’t know (the indifferent) and those who are threatened by Him (the hostile). In my little mind, I have such a hard time even fathoming that there would be the indifferent – people who don’t have the most remote idea about who Christ was and is. But I guess it’s true. I imagine that those who are threatened by Him are aware that they live a life that is not exactly Christian and would have to forfeit or change their lifestyle by accepting and worshiping Christ.

There are two types of people in opposition to Christ

To some degree, I think there are a lot of Christians that are a little bit of both. Yes, I said CHRISTIANS who are BOTH INDIFFERENT AND HOSTILE toward Christ.

To some degree, I think there are a lot of Christians that are a little bit of both. Yes, I said CHRISTIANS who are BOTH INDIFFERENT AND HOSTILE toward Christ.

But how can that be?

Truth be told, there are many people who go to church every Sunday (or Saturday) who have little to no idea who Christ is, nor do they care. They are there to absorb and not reflect. They don’t seek a personal relationship with their Savior and may not even know what the significance of that means. They take of the bread and they take of the cup, but have no idea what it is that was given up for their sake.

They intentionally keep themselves ignorant and avoid opening – let alone reading – the Bible. Because they are afraid (threatened) by what they might read or learn. They might suddenly become aware of their sinning ways and the prospect of having that guilt upon their shoulders when they attempt to continue living without personal accountability is too much for them to bear.

They don’t want to change, so they don’t want Christ to change their hearts.

So, today, I pray for those of US – I include myself in this – who knowingly or unknowingly are indifferent and/or hostile toward Christ. May be extend our gratitude for his life and sacrifice.

This is a personal reflection of today’s Advent devotion from Great News for Great Joy (download for free now from Desiring God). Please also share your reflections in the comments area.