As my wife will readily attest, I am a man of many interests, leading to the start of many projects and endeavors. Often, though, those projects and endeavors are abandoned in an incomplete state. Don’t worry though, I have an excuse. Actually, I have a ton of excuses.

I’m too busy. It’s not as important as this new project I am working on. I didn’t have it planned well, so I am rethinking. I lack the money to do it right. If I could just keep the kids and dog out of the way…

They’re all excuses. While there may be a bit of truth to some of my claims, they are excuses. If it were important and I really wanted to see it complete, I would soldier on and quit making excuses.

Let’s Be Honest About Our Excuses

I’ve always said that excuses and reasons are two totally different things. If my project doesn’t get done, that’s an excuse. If my project gets done, but it’s not like I planned it, there’s probably a very legitimate reason it turned out the way it did.

Reasons offer an explanation. Excuses are just a means for covering up.

In my case, when I am being honest about the excuses I make, I am covering for my inadequacy. Deep down, I am afraid of both failure and success. I fear failure because it represents something I cannot do – I thereby am rejecting myself. I fear success because I fear the change it could bring – I thereby am rejecting God. I am saying I don’t have faith that God has my best interests in mind and that he has a great future ahead.

Moses Made Excuses Because He Felt Inadequate

In Listen Up, Kids, I share an example of how I felt inadequate and unprepared to begin the 1Glories ministry that God had placed on my heart. I resisted moving forward for many years, making excuses galore until finally I could resist no further. It was a chance meeting with Manny Ohonme that figuratively kicked me in the gut and kickstarted action on what I knew was a divine calling.

I also explained how God took me to an unlikely place to affirm I was on the right track. At that point, I knew I was moving forward the way God intended, but I still was feeling like I had no business pursuing it. Heck, the fact that I was feeling like I didn’t belong is THE recurring theme of my life and that’s detailed in great detail throughout Listen Up, Kids as well.

During that affirmation, I was presented with the story of Moses. It’s one I had not really considered and one that Exodus: Gods and Kings only peripherally touches on.

The Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A staff.”
– Exodus 4:2

When we make ourselves available to God – with whatever it is we have in our hands – we’ll be astounded by what God does with it!

When we make ourselves available to God – with whatever it is we have in our hands – we’ll be astounded by what God does with it! Photo Credit: matthileo via Compfight cc

It’s a simple question with an even simpler answer (on the surface anyway). Moses had been suffering of low self-esteem, just like all of us. Imagine if God said to you: “I want you to free the slaves from the most powerful nation the world has known.” That’s surely enough to make even the most accomplished and self-confident souls in the world to have second thoughts.

And of course, Moses made excuses: Who Am I? (Exodus 3:1-12), Who Should I Say Sent Me? (Exodus 3:13-22), What If They Don’t Believe Me? (Exodus 4:1-9), But I’m Not Eloquent! (Exodus 4:10-12), Please Send Someone Else! (Exodus 4:13-17). God instead says, “What’s that in your hand?” or in my “read between the lines” and “in your face” translation: “Look dude! I’ve equipped you, built you up, prepared you and given you everything you need. I’ve sealed you with my authority. I love you and will not abandon you, nor will I send you to doom. Free my children. GO!”

Lose the Excuses and Use What’s in Your Hand

Excuses prevent us from being available to God. They keep us from pursing and fulfilling what he’s called us to be and do. Don’t’ be afraid to fail…  believe in yourself! Don’t be afraid of success… have faith that God has prepared you and has great things in store for you, your future and his glory.

When we make ourselves available to God – with whatever it is we have in our hands – we’ll be astounded by what God does with it!

This post is part of the “A Year of Listening Up” project here at 1Glories. The project is based upon the life lessons and Listen Up, Kids (LUK) wisdom shared in the book, Listen Up, Kids, which is available for purchase in in paperback and Kindle formats at