When God’s Plans Are Not The Same As Your Plans

When God’s Plans Are Not The Same As Your Plans

Today, we are rounding out our discussion of Aligning With God’s Will in our Year of Listening Up by pondering God’s plans. Yesterday, I introduced you to Daniel Fusco’s book, “Honestly” which releases April 1 (go order it now, seriously,...
Grow Up. And Then, Grow Up Some More.

Grow Up. And Then, Grow Up Some More.

It took a long while to find myself. To understand my God-given gifts and to understand how to use them. Along the way, I doubted myself, believed myself unworthy and generally felt like the deck of life was stacked against me. Why that is the case, I may never truly...

Advent 2012: Great Expectations

This is a personal reflection of today’s Advent devotion from Great News for Great Joy (download for free now from Desiring God). Please also share your reflections in the comments area. God was coming to visit his creation. In the days leading up to...

Advent 2012: Cheerful Humility

This is a personal reflection of today’s Advent devotion from Great News for Great Joy (download for free now from Desiring God). Please also share your reflections in the comments area. It’s interesting that, when pondering the role of humility in the...

Learn: The Jesus Film

With the New Year literally just hours away, many people are reflecting upon the 12 months they’ve just experienced and looking forward to bright and joyous days ahead. An opportunity to wipe the slate clean and build a better tomorrow. Perhaps this describes...

Attention: Take care then how you hear…

Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away.” Luke 8:18 As a parent, there is a natural inclination to “teach” my three daughters. The trouble is; there’s...

Angels: Rejoicing for Souls Won to the Savior

Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents. ~ Luke 15:10 When a sinner comes to Christ, who rejoices for them? The world we live in has watered down the concept of angels. Stores sell novelty angel figurines, plush dolls and...