Ever had a bad day or week? Who hasn’t?

Me? I sometimes have days where I am angry simply because I’m awake. On those days, I find that something falls every time I open a cupboard, the soap falls in the sink every time I wash my hands, I spill things, I drop my phone every time I pick it up… I really could go on, but I suspect you get the point.

There are those days, yes. To an observer, it might look comical. And, in light of eternity, they really are inconsequential. They’re easy to dismiss. But then there are the days where you can think of nothing else except throwing in the towel because you know you’re defeated.

When I have those times, I typically retreat into “dark” mode. It’s probably no coincidence that those times usually come around during this time of year – as the autumn months roll in and the daylight is dim at best when I have to get out of bed.

I hate when I go dark. I don’t like who I am or how I behave. I feel meaningless. I start to give into depression. I am thankful those emotions never get manic our worrisome enough that I might do something drastic and unchangeable, but they exist nonetheless.

It’s natural for us humans to go to these darkened places. And I am convinced that God uses the darkest moments of our lives for His eternal glory. For in the darkest moments, light shall shine brightest (you can tweet that!).

For in the darkest moments, light shall shine brightest

For in the darkest moments, light shall shine brightest. Image by Marian Trinidad via CreationSwap.

Today, I am reminded of a Joseph Conrad book, Heart of Darkness. In a nutshell, this guy goes down the Congo River. As he leaves shore, the faces fade into the darkness and with them, civilization disappears.

Further down the river, he’s less connected to civilized life and realizes the people he’s working for are equally savage in the ways they take advantage of uncultured peoples. We are continually being reminded that anywhere there is light, it is good. Where there is dark, it is bad.

Show forth the praises of Him, who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. ~ I Peter 2:9

Our ancestors, when the Apostle wrote these words, were of uncivilized, barbaric tribes. Yet, this marvelous light cultivates and produces a change in the lives of even the most hardened of hearts. It’s no mere 40 watt bulb. This is a vivid, powerful and “marvelous” light. Here, it’s important to remember that light is never OF the darkness. It never comes from the dark. Light always overcomes darkness. And that is what makes the light onto our personal bouts of darkness so marvelous! God’s light is supernatural and it is eternal. It’s glorifying and shall “show forth the praises of Him.”

That’s a pretty marvelous light. One we must view with wonderment.

There is a light which lights every man that comes into the world, but God’s marvelous Light comes only to His chosen and gladdens only those whose eyes have learned to look to Jesus and who find their soul’s confidence and salvation in Him who is the very Light of God” ~ C.H. Spurgeon