We fool ourselves into thinking real change can come from New Year’s Resolutions. But, the thing about resolutions that goes forgotten is the fact that you don’t have to wait until New Year’s Day to start them. Instead, more attention is given to people’s inability to keep them.

As you think about the year ahead, think about what it will take for real change. For lasting change. And remember, you don’t have to wait for a cultural benchmark, nor do you have to even have the perfectly crafted statement or precise goal in mind. What you do have to have, though, is desire.

You have to have a desire for real change in your life, and a desire to live with a defined worldview.

Desire for Real Change

Let’s face it, we don’t like to change. We are creatures of comfort. Our reptilian brains are wired to survive. That means we are selfish in our interests for basic needs. Things like shelter, food, clothes, etc. will always be at the top of our minds.

Obtaining these things takes energy. Because of that, we are less likely to pursue what exists beyond those needs. It’s easier to crash into addictions that help us “check out” and/or settle for mediocrity. Often, we don’t realize we’re doing these things. We just sort of fall into them.

It results in us blaming anyone and everyone else for our lots in life. There’s so much wrong with that way of thinking.

Maybe you really did get the cards stacked against you in life. It happens. However, there’s nobody stopping you from reshuffling the deck. Rather, it comes down to a simple truth:

Your desire for what can be must be greater than your desire for what is. #YLU18 Click To Tweet

Desire for Living within a Worldview

Your life is based a lot on how you view the world. And, there are many filters that construct your worldview. I encourage you to take some time to reflect upon your life up to this point. Think about the personal events while growing up. Also think about the national and world events that made an impression.

How did they impact you? How are the still impacting you today?

And now, the most important question: Are they impacting you in the way you want them to as you continue living your life? If the answer is no, this is an opportunity to enact change. You just have to desire it enough.

Resolutions get more attention for our failures to keep them than they do for the opportunity they present to make powerful and lasting change in our lives. Here's a look at how we can do better at them not just on New Year's Day, but every day.

Resolutions get more attention for our failures to keep them than they do for the opportunity they present to make powerful and lasting change in our lives. Here’s a look at how we can do better at them not just on New Year’s Day, but every day.

The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards

More than a few years back – in the 1720’s to be exact – Jonathan Edwards wrote several life resolutions that he read over daily to help guide him throughout his ministry and life. At the time, he was but just in his late teen years. He had not yet achieved even the slightest measure of the accomplishments for which he is now revered.

In total, Edwards penned 70 resolutions. Finding a list of these resolutions is pretty easy. However, finding anything about them exploring them in more detail, with guidance for application or for any Biblical context, is rare. For this reason, throughout 2018, the Year of Listening Up will focus on these resolutions.

Why? It’s mainly because I think there is a lot we can learn from them to apply into our own lives today. I would have to also be very honest in stating that, since I first considered the idea, I can’t shake it. It continues to interest and captivate me from a refining life, on purpose perspective.

And, as such, I am trying to do a better job of responding to God when I have such inklings.

So, stay tuned. I am finishing up my personal first look at all 70 resolutions to modernize the language, categorize them and develop the 2018 schedule. I’m super excited, and hope you are as well.

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