Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents. ~ Luke 15:10

When a sinner comes to Christ, who rejoices for them?

There is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents. ~ Luke 15:10

There is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents. ~ Luke 15:10

The world we live in has watered down the concept of angels. Stores sell novelty angel figurines, plush dolls and home décor. We watch TV shows and movies that make wild assumptions about angels who are supposedly sent from Heaven (or even kicked out of Heaven) to walk among us.

We’ve even been led to believe there are situations where angels are assigned people to watch over, are among us as misfits, are able to emotionally connect with earthly beings who have not yet gone home . . . we’ve seen so many inane scenarios, it’s no wonder they’ve become novelty in perception.

But as this passage tells use, angles do exist. And they do watch over us, are able to possess concern for our well-being. And they take joy in our success. They probably distress in our failures too. They care not for political correctness, military conquests, headlines of the day . . . their joy immediately rises as souls are won to the Savior.