This is a personal reflection of today’s Advent devotion from Great News for Great Joy (download for free now from Desiring God). Please also share your reflections in the comments area.

I am in constant awe when I look throughout my life and see the ways that God has prepared me. That might be why I have a hard time grasping the thought of me preparing the way for Him. But it also makes sense. If we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our worldly ways, if we focus so intensely on the things that distract us from God, not only are we allowing our hearts to be disobedient, we are depriving ourselves of the great joy in experiencing Christmas.

I’m on record of confessing that I have lacked a genuine “Christmas spirit” for a few years now. I can’t explain it and have even asked forgiveness for that lacking. I do my best to put on a “face” that might lead one to conclude otherwise. But the truth is, it’s been missing.

This year, I intend to take the advice given from Psalms and ask the Lord to help me prepare room for Him. I pray that it will foncus me rightly so I may take in the fullness of Christmas’ signifigance and so it might allow God to shine brightly in me.

Now, please share your thoughts…