It’s not easy to find value in disaster, especially as it’s going down. However, I have no doubt that we can learn from every experience in life. That’s evident in the take-a-ways from today’s “7 Posts About…” post.

Today I am offering you seven posts (okay, eight, but two are from the same blog). Through these links, we can see three things. First, God is in control of your disaster. Second, you indeed can recover from disaster. And finally, your trials – even disasters – are not without reason.

God is in Control and Can Bring Value to Your Disaster

Acts 28: Good Things Coming Out Of A Bad Situation (John at BibleFreshDaily): Drawing on Acts 28, John shows us that we may not know the answers to many questions, but each obstacle you encounter in life, each event in life – even disasters – are opportunities to grow closer to God or further from him. Use them as opportunity to grow closer.

When bad things happen, can God use them to accomplish good? (The Institute in Basic Life Principles): IBLP uses this post to help us see that a key to moving forward is forgiving. What’s more, it’s a matter of realizing that God works through your suffering for accomplishing his purposes in your life. Basing much on the life of Job, we can learn about seeing God in the midst of tragedy.

God Brings Good Out of Bad (Larry W. Wilson at Wake Up America Seminars): Using Matthew 16:21–23 as a basis, Wilson shows that even Peter – with his terrible decisions – is used for God’s Purposes. God is a master at working out his plans.

What Was Meant for Evil, God Uses for Good (Max Lucado at FaithGatgeway): Being a Christian means knowing your trust in Jesus will provoke Hell to take aim at your life. No matter what comes, God is the master weaver. He’s in control!

You Can Recover from Disaster

Is there value in disaster? Today I am offering you seven posts teaching us that, first, God is in control of your disaster; that you indeed can recover from disaster; and that your trials - even disasters - are not without reason.

Today I am offering you seven posts teaching us that, first, God is in control of your disaster; that you indeed can recover from disaster; and that your trials – even disasters – are not without reason.

God Is An Expert At Bringing Good Out Of Bad (Rick Warren): “God loves to turn crucifixions into resurrections.” In this short and motivational post, Pastor Rick helps us see how God is shaping and molding as we find value in disaster.

How Do You Recover From Disaster? (Rick Warren at CBN) – In this second post from Rick Warren, he shares ways to help others to overcome disaster (it’s good advice for us, too). He draws on passages from Galatians and Luke among several others as he does so.  

There is a Reason and Value in Disaster

The Significance of Trials (Rick James at CRU): Scripture shows that trials require our endurance. What God has allowed is not random; it is a sign of God’s approval. Not his anger, nor is it an obstacle to our growth. Ultimately, trials – even downright disaster – become the fuel for our growth.

Joy Through the Fiery Test of Genuine Faith (John Piper at Desiring God): Reminding us that “Christianity is a life of painful joy,” Piper draws on several scriptures. Then, he helps us see ways we can be joyful – even in finding value in disaster. God has a design for our distresses.